Telecom sector and Its Impact in Pakistani Economy
The Pakistani telecom sector is getting better with the passage of time. Due to Ptcl no Major Change was seen. But the time has changed now. Friendly atmosphere with many new companies have made their place in the Pakistan telecom sector to take the advantages of this.
Pakistan’s telecom sector is one fastest growing telecom sector in Asia as compare to other Countries. Cellular section and mobile user has exceeded from past 5 to 7 years. According to latest survey every single person has a mobile in Pakistan.
Telecom has also affected Pakistani culture and business culture of Pakistan as well. The users are also well attentive of telecom services and changing in a business environment. Once seen as luxury items, mobile communication became a necessity. It has become part of our life, when something becomes part of your life, then it affects your personal life as well. Telecom affected Pakistani culture in many ways aspect which came to know through survey.
It has changed our traditional ways of communication and people now people prefer to communicate with the help of these services. They do not want to meet face to face. Mobile camera has also become a big problem for our society. Many people do not want to have such kinds of things. But as we know that such kinds of things have become a status symbol for us, everyone likes to have fresh and glitzy and expensive mobile phone. With the latest technology of 3G internet mobile holders are able to use internet on their mobile with full speed. The 3G speed test may also be checked at any online speed tester tool.
Due to such kinds of things street crimes have increased. Now a day’s mobile snatcher is seen everywhere.We should not judge any other person by morality or integrity, but the visibility and showing off of cells, which they keep in their pocket like Blackberry, phone, and etc.