Some Pakistani Places that Look like as if They are from other Planet


Some Pakistani Places that Look like as if They are from other Planet

Pakistan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world when it comes to natural views and landscapes. It has almost everything a tourist wants to see, landscapes, mountains, glaciers, historical and ancient places, forts and castles etc. Everyone of them have their own charm, but some of them, at times, look so mysterious that they look as if they are not from Pakistan, even not from planet earth, and look like as if they are from some other planet.

If you believe in fairy tales and fantasy worlds, you will relate these images to those dreamy fantasy worlds. These all are actually places in Pakistan.
dassu village
GCU, Lahore
Gwadar Hammerhead View
Hingol National Park 1
Karakoram mountains
Nagar gilgit vally
Nushki Desert
Pir Sohawa, Islamabad
Quetta city
saiful malook lake
sarsarmala 6 lake
Takht e Suleiman
The Karakoram Highway
Toli Peer


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